Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Preparing my class

In service week begins next week.  I'm hoping to have my entire room, minus my new math manipulatives for the new math curriculum, in order!  I am SO close.  I have a few things left to do.  Pictures will be coming next week for sure!
I have my rules and power pix up.  I'm going to do my scoreboard this week and I have my mom making the volume meter.  Hoping to do the genius ladder and super improver wall next week during inservice.  If I don't have them completed by next Wednesday, I'll stick take pics and show what I have so far.

For the scoreboard I am thinking I might take a picture of my baby when she's really happy and one when she's really sad and use that for the Oh yeah and Mighty groan.

Looking forward to teaching heaven in a new grade level.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Summer School and the fall!

Well - summer school is over!  16 days of reading, reading, reading.  I did use several WBT strategies, but in 16 days there was no way to implement ALL of it.  I used most of the big 7.  I used gestures when I remembered.  I realize that will be my biggest challenge this school year.  That, and teaching in shorter amount of chunks.  I'm planning on showing my kids some of the WBT videos - if THEY don't know what it looks like in action, how can I expect them to produce what I'm thinking about?

I began setting up my class yesterday.  I only spent an hour so I just really decided on the room layout.  With 30 kids it's a challenge to find a seating arrangement that works.  I tried rows but they didn't fit and I didn't want to do groups (everyone does groups, I want to be a little different, plus, I do think it's distracting for kids who have a difficult time focusing always being with a group!)  I tried a U but there are too many desks.  I ended up looking in my Tools for Teaching book by Fred Jones and found "the double E" which works well with double desks like I have.  It's like a square U with desks in between, with the desks being the 'arms' on the E.  

I'm still trying to figure out which bulletin boards will be my power pix. I want them to be a board I can easily access since I will be adding to it frequently.  I have one HUGE bulletin board but it's on top of the cubbies so I'd have to climb on the counter.  It's a possibility though...